Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Let me start this post by saying I have very mixed emotions abut the first day of school.  It is a double edged sword. I am so excited to see them grow and learn and shine. Make new friends, reunite with old ones. Seeing all the faces they love at school and hearing all about the days adventures. On the flip side, selfish side really, I miss them. I miss being apart of the adventures, I miss kissing them at any given moment and it tugs at my heart as each year passes a little quicker than I would like it to. 
Dan and I have a job, we give them wings, that part is fun even during the challenging times and then we have to let them fly. That part is so beautiful and so hard.
So today they are soaring into forth and second grade, Ella is over the moon excited and Marcelina is a little nervous, this is par for the course.

Have an amazing year my outstanding girls!

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