Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfulness Day's 18,19,20,21,22

aka- wow I keep falling behind but I really am thankful each day.

Thankful for cousins. Growing up (and now) I truly had the best, real cream of the crop. I am excited to see my kids have a fun relationship with theirs. Three are in Florida but when we are together it's is really like no time passed.

Thankful my buddy has one of his best buddies home.

So thankful for a fun race day. We all did our best and went home feeling proud and stong.
Marcelina will be doing her first 5k with me Thursday morning and I am pretty excited to share this with her.

So super duper thankful that 38 years ago a little baby boy was born in a land far far away (ok fine not that far) and that he would grow to be my prince.

Thankful that my lady feels so confident in her new glasses.....

...and that sometimes she is just as crazy as her "weird mommy"

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